Advanced Robotics, Special Issue on Embodied-Brain Systems Science is out now

Special issue on Embodied-Brain Systems Science, Advanced Robotics, Vol. 31, 2017 has been published.

Nov. 29th. Organized session at MHS2016@Nagoya Univ.

Our organized session at MHS2016 will be held on Nov. 29th, @Nagoya University, Japan.  

Workshop @ EMBC 2016, Orlando, FL, USA (Aug. 16, 2016)

Our workshop proposal for the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) has bee accepted. The workshop will be held in Orlando, FL, USA, on August 16th, 2016. Conference website: http://embc.embs.org/2016/workshops-tutorials/embodied-brain-systems-science-and-neurorehabilitation/ Program: http://embodied-brain.org/eng/embc2016

Call for papers (EmboSS 2016)

Now we are calling for papers for the 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS 2016), which will be held in May 8-10, 2016. The details are found in the following link. 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS 2016)
